22/11/23 | 17:57 | | GPW: w sprawie szczególnego oznaczania instrumentów finansowych spółki REINHOLD EUROPE AB notowanych na Głównym Rynku GPW |
29/04/20 | 00:01 | | REINHOLD EUROPE AB: Annual report delayed Reinhold Europe AB/ Försenad arsredovisning Reinhold Europe AB |
28/02/20 | 19:46 | | REINHOLD EUROPE AB: REINHOLD EUROPE AB formularz skonsolidowanego raportu kwartalnego |
22/01/20 | 19:02 | | REINHOLD EUROPE AB: New Board of directors and CEO at Reinhold Europe AB / Ny styrelse och VD för Reinhold Europe AB |
29/11/19 | 23:08 | | REINHOLD EUROPE AB: REINHOLD EUROPE AB formularz skonsolidowanego raportu kwartalnego |
17/10/19 | 09:51 | | REINHOLD EUROPE AB: Information abaut changes in shearholders structure |
30/08/19 | 16:10 | | REINHOLD EUROPE AB: Financial reports/Comments from the Board |
03/06/19 | 08:31 | | REINHOLD EUROPE AB: REINHOLD EUROPE AB formularz skonsolidowanego raportu kwartalnego |
27/05/19 | 16:51 | | REINHOLD EUROPE AB: Notice of Annual General Meeting |
30/04/19 | 18:54 | | REINHOLD EUROPE AB: REINHOLD EUROPE AB formularz raportu rocznego |
15/04/19 | 16:54 | | REINHOLD EUROPE AB: Notice for Extraordinary General Meeting |
28/02/19 | 17:07 | | REINHOLD EUROPE AB: REINHOLD EUROPE AB formularz skonsolidowanego raportu kwartalnego |
02/01/19 | 12:33 | | REINHOLD EUROPE AB: Offer for Reinhold Europe shareholders - extend the subscription. |
14/12/18 | 22:44 | | REINHOLD EUROPE AB: Offer for Reinhold Europe shareholders. |
03/12/18 | 22:56 | | REINHOLD EUROPE AB: Informations about changes in the share capital |