14/07/22 | 13:44 | | Notowania spółek agro wspiera szansa porozumienia ws. eksportu; poprawa wyników możliwa od końca III kw. (opinia) |
22/03/22 | 07:00 | | Możliwość rozejmu wspierała kursy ukraińskich spółek; powrót do notowań sprzed wojny trudny w krótkim terminie (opinia) |
14/03/22 | 20:00 | | MLK Foods kontynuuje działalność na Ukrainie, choć inwazja Rosji mocno wpłynęła na biznes |
| 19:23 | | MILKILAND N.V.: Shifting of the publication dates of the Annual Reports of MLK FOODS Group for 2020 and 2019, and the reports for the first half of 2021 and 9 months of 2021 because of Russian military invasion to Ukraine |
11/02/22 | 18:46 | | MILKILAND N.V.: Change the name of Milkiland Public Company Limited |
10/02/22 | 21:13 | | MILKILAND N.V.: Change the name of Milkiland Public Company Limited |
31/01/22 | 18:21 | | MILKILAND N.V.: Shifting of the publication date of the Annual Reports of Milkiland Group for 2020 and 2019 |
02/12/21 | 21:54 | | MILKILAND N.V.: Shifting of the publication date of the Annual Reports of Milkiland Group for 2020 and 2019, for the first half of 2021 and 9 months of 2021 |
24/11/21 | 15:31 | | MILKILAND N.V.: Notification on the increase of a holding of shares in Milkiland PCL |
12/11/21 | 21:07 | | MILKILAND N.V.: Shifting of the publication date of the Report of Milkiland Group for 9 months of 2021 |
08/11/21 | 19:04 | | MILKILAND N.V.: Notification on the decline of a holding of shares in Milkiland PCL |
21/10/21 | 13:28 | | Spółki rolne z GPW radzą sobie z cenami nawozów; ucierpią mniejsi gracze (analiza) |
14/10/21 | 21:44 | | MILKILAND N.V.: Shifting of the publication date of the Annual Reports of Milkiland Group for 2020 and 2019 and the report of Milkiland Group for the first half of 2021 |
26/08/21 | 20:57 | | MILKILAND N.V.: Shifting of the publication date of the report of Milkiland Group for the first half of 2021 |
25/06/21 | 18:51 | | MILKILAND N.V.: MILKILAND N.V. formularz skonsolidowanego raportu kwartalnego |